Saturday, August 4, 2007

My Recess

I miss writing poems. And yes-- I felt like changing the blog's title on a whim. So don't think you're in the wrong place or anything.

All ideas and text © Samantha S. unless otherwise stated. No stealing.

It's through these
Frustrated tears
That I speak my
Oh chorus
The words that seem
To come
In uncertain waves
Of confusion

What was that?
The bell has rang
I am to be finished
I will never be free
To go to my recess
I sort out
The many boxes
In my heart.

1 comment:

Rain-drop said...

I LOVE your new blog title! "Through the Lion's Teeth," very interesting! And poetic. Me likey.

Nice poem, I like the feeling, it's this feeling of frustration, sadness, surprise.

I really like the last part, about the boxes in the heart.

You should make one of these poems into a story one day...they all have potentials for stories. Not to say that poems are less than stories, because they aren't; poems tells stories in their own ways.

I like the title, too. It's not about some mundane thing, like describing a kid eating his lunch at recess. There's more to it.