Friday, May 25, 2007

In my literature class, I couldn't help myself...

I was bored, and in result, 'wasn't paying attention much. So I just started rambling in my agenda.

In this world we live in
A fairytale,
It seems
In the highest moments,
Where heaven meets

A tingle,
A shiver,
A cry of something
Like music,
In a box
It stays there,
Only to be discovered
At dusk,
In the chest of our dreams.

Don't expect this to make any sense.

1 comment:

Rain-drop said...

You can't say that it doesn't make sense, because any reader can interpret it to mean anything they want.

I like how it talks about dreams. The world in it's best moments is like a fairytale, so good, so precious, that it is this hidden secret in a treasure chest! I think that is what the poem seems to be saying.

Stuff written when distracted/not paying attention in class can be interesting! =^_^= Not that I'm encouraging you to not pay attention, but...this is a good poem/rambly thing!