Monday, July 14, 2008

"John" continuation.

If you're wondering where the beginning of this is, just click on the tag of this post. I wanted to write more than just this as a continuation, but... oh well-- I shall do so next time. Btw, the 15 min timeline really worked. I couldn't stop for just 15 min. XD Now all I have to do is try to do that more than just once a week.

I guess she was no good anyway. It’s not like we had a future or anything, right?”

I brushed the small amount of dust off the glossy picture in my hand. One of the last pictures I had of Denise and I.

At this last question, I turned my head to a complete stranger, as if waiting for an answer. The elderly man beside me merely continued to read his newspaper and drink his coffee; apparently not aware someone was sitting next to him at the counter.

I was at a small café that was only a couple minutes away from home. I seemed to always stop here when the weather wasn’t that great. It was cloudy that day, still wet outside from the recent rain. Most people still had their coats on, despite the heater inside.

I sighed. What happened to clingy women nowadays? They seemed to have vanished. Or at least I seemed to only fall for the complicated ones.

Looking back at the photo, I remembered the day before come back to me. She had left quickly after packing her bags; I had brought myself back to the veranda, not willing to say goodbye anymore. I barely waited for a minute, and she was out the door. Soon enough I could see her slender figure striding across the sidewalk with her bags, looking for a taxi. I was hoping she would turn back once she realized how stupid it was to wait for one to show up at this end of the neighborhood, but she waited stubbornly. Just as I waited stubbornly for her to disappear finally into a car’s door, and off, out of my sight. I regretted not coming down with her later.

I spent the rest of the day in my apartment, just dragging myself from the kitchen to the living room. I hadn’t watched TV for that long in a while. I stayed up till 3 o’clock in the morning, until I realized I had work that day, and grudgingly I went to bed.

Coming out of my thoughts, I put the photo down next to my empty coffee cup, and glanced at my watch. Exactly 2 PM. My work shift would start in a half an hour. If I were planning to get there on time, I would have to get going now.


Rain-drop said...

I had to reread the first part of "John" and my comments. In my first comment I said that all it needed was a conclusive ending. So now my question is - IS this the end? Or as your titlte says, just a "continuation"?

I hope continuation, because...I want more! :D Maybe just one more bit, but nevertheless, more.

I still feel sad for John and how he thought Denise loved him and then ended up not loving him. It is just too sad.

I really like his inner thoughts, about clingy women and remniscing over what just happened. You do a good job of telling us what he felt right after Denise left, and of articulating this guy John's mind. Really good job with inner thought!

The poor guy stayed up till 3, and his girlfriend left him, and now he has to go to work...aww! What a bummer. Poor John.

I'm really happy to hear the 15 minute exercise worked for you, and that you even wrote for over the 15 minute thing. That is so great! Do it again, do do, it really helps, see?

:D Looking forward to reading more whenever.

Rain-drop said...





More posties! me wants more posties. Pleeaasse? *puppy eyes*

wuubbb. write more. or art. old drawings. anything!