Monday, June 18, 2007

Take Care

I was waiting for my dad outside of school, while I tried to remember the words of "Michelle" from the Beatles. Between it, I was staring at the tiny yet-to-bloom flower that I picked up. Then I just started coming up with different words, which resulted in the first stanza you see. After that, I wrote the rest at home, now, while, oddly enough, 'was listening to the crazy-like "Rock n' Roll Music" song sung most likely from John Lennon. Chai asked me to do a poem with stronger feelings. I don't know if this is really what she was asking for, but it's my first attempt of something less jolly (although random).

Your soul…
It’s the flowers.
From the deepest pond,
Of which the fish
Are afraid
To meet the eyes
For fear
Of being judged.

Your look
Is of the dandylion who was blown away
What’s this? I’m lost. I can’t find it.
What’s that, sir?
My place in the garden.
It’s gone.
The weeds have taken over.

Your hands
They fidget
Uncertain like the spider,
Stuck in his web of…
White lies.

Yours truly,
Is the most sincere
Pair of unmatched socks

Your queer stripes,
of uncany pride,
They hurt your inner ego,
As laughter is to be heard
Across the hall.

Your lips hesitate
To speak
The words
You buried in the earth long ago

Should you cross?
It’s just a bridge of bandages

Take care
Of where you tred
Take hold of the handle

Make sure
You hold on tight.

For the grip of the world is upon you.

Looking back at this, it sounds really cheesy. -__-

1 comment:

Rain-drop said...


Syama, your poetry is amazing. I LOVE it. There are a couple spelling mistakes (dandylion is dandelion, tred is tread), but other than that, this really resounds. It has this feeling of regret and sadness and fear, and anticipation of being overwhelmed.

I love the fish fearful of being judged.

I love the "My place in the garden, it's gone."

I love the "uncertain like the spider, stuck in his web of white lies."

I love it all! And comparing 'yours truly' to a pair of unmatched socks...the "words buried in the earth long ago" sounds so MYSTICAL and intriguing!

I am in love with this poem. Does it have a name? Perhaps "the grip of the world," or just "grip." Wow, I love it. It's verypowerful. It speaks a message. I love how you compare abstract things to things that we can understand, like spiders and things. And the idea that the flower is sad because it lost its spot in the's so...I don't know what the word is.

Write more, write more! That's all I can say. I am ever your fan.

You should publish a book of poetry. Seriously.